Child Support

two people holding each other's hands

Child support is typically ordered as part of a divorce. In most cases, the non-custodial parent will be ordered to pay a specific amount, based on Oklahoma calculations. There are numerous considerations that go into the payment amount, which are largely focused on the needs of the child.

I have had numerous clients discuss problems with getting their ex-spouses to pay support. Regardless of a court order, in some cases, parents simply do not pay the amounts ordered. You should be aware that even when support payments are not made, they continue to accrue. However, to collect the support you are owed, you may need to consider filing a request to ask they be held in contempt-of-court. This is usually the most effective means of collecting support that is owed to you. I can help custodial parents get the child support that has been ordered by the courts.

Oklahoma law does allow for child support orders to be modified under certain circumstances. Generally, one would have to demonstrate a new order would change the amount of support by 20 percent. Typically, this means an increase, or decrease in pay, changes in healthcare insurance, or other significant development that has an impact on one of the parent’s income. If you believe there may be a reason to request a child support modification, contact me and we can discuss those changes and determine if a modification request may be successful.

Residents in Serving Tulsa County, Creek County, Wagoner County, Osage County, or Washington County who need assistance with child support issues should contact me for help. Adam Carroll Legal, P.C. is conveniently located in Tulsa, Oklahoma and here to help you with modifications or contempt petitions. I understand how important it is to have financial support for your children; I will do my best to represent you, and the interests of your children in court.

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